Upcoming shows
“The Magic Words Are Squeamish Ossifrage” will be the first full-length album of QBRNTHSS, the result of more than a year of live performances and rehearsals using Tidal Cycles and Supercollider (live coding languages) as main instruments. Aesthetically it’s a mixture of synthetic textures, noisy ambients and broken rhythms.
Las Trobades organizadas por TOPLAP Barcelona son encuentros informales con un live coder que incluyen una charla/entrevista y una actuación. La tercera Trobada es con Iván Paz y Ramon Casamajó a.k.a. QBRNTHSS:
During the hard days of confinement in 2020, people went out to the balcony every day at 8:00 p.m. to applaud and thank the health professionals for their work. And a little bit later, at exactly 8:08 pm, the members of TOPLAP Barcelona met virtually, each one in front of their computer, to watch and listen to the performance that one of us was broadcasting from his house. This is the one I made: